A reflection in Mourning
I was walking the dog the other day and met a lady I had not seen for a while, used to be a regular on the dog walk but had gone missing for a few weeks. I said hello and the lady told me her mother had died two weeks ago after a short illness. I passed on my sympathy and she told me she had changed her dog walking routine as most of the walk was spent with her crying for her loss. It stuck a chord with me as I also spent a lot of the time on my dog walk crying. As we said our goodbyes I realised I was also mourning. Nothing so important as a loved one. My mourning was over my business. Slowly but surely the business is sinking into the mud. Not this business! Oh no this is just a side project that is fun and part of a hobby they could also make a few bob and is a great way to help people express themselves. No the business that is sinking is our bread and butter. Something we sunk or hopes and dreams into and we are pretty good at it. However if the need is not there or the service you provide is not required by most people then your personal niche becomes a trap. Oh we have worked hard to make our business a success but times and people have changed and the personnel service we require is respected but no longer used. Mourning is a grieving process for a significant loss. Waiting for a change will not help. It is an internal process that will take time to work out what and how we take the next step. Hope, oh yes we have that so onwards and upwards to whatever the future will bring…..
