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Pen-Y-Coed Petanque
Winning Petanque came from a conversation with Micheal Hourcastagnou together with Phil and Dizzy Murray way back in 2000. During a sunny lunchtime the talk of boules came round to the best players in the country. How they knew things that beginners did not know. The beginners would have to learn the hard way! It was discussed that no real information was available to the new players and many were put off playing after the first few encounters with serious players. We decided to break down the barriers and give information on a monthy e mail. These Petanque tips turned into this website.
Petanque a game of Boules.
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My wife and I having taken up pétanque at a club close to home near Braintree just two months ago are so grateful for having been advised to pay a visit to Phil at P-Y-C-P. We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent with Phil discussing the most suitable boules to assist us both in improving and progressing our game. Phil’s amazing knowledge and experience coupled with his keen interest in advising and helping others to improve and develop their hobby are a real bonus waiting for anyone who decides to pay him a visit. This website is yet another example of Phil’s generous interest in helping anyone who is keen to improve their skill in this amazing sport. Thank you Phil.

A N Other.
Step by Step
Guide to Petanque
stop losing.
This is a collation of all our coaching tips, practice ideas and information sheets concerning the sport of petanque. We will start off with general information and then as the items go on we will focus on Pointing, shooting, the roles of each player and Tactics. We hope you enjoy reading our insight into our game. Any questions concerning the tips or Petanque in general please e mail us at pycpetanque@aol.com
A N Other.
A N Other.
Taking each section step by step will improve your game. If you get stuck on a section you can ask for help or move on. You can always go back to the section later. No point in getting bogged down in an area, sometimes moving away from a task and then going back will move the blockage of frustration. We are here to help.
A N Other.